Sunday, December 7, 2008

walking as narrative technique...and more maps

It has come to my attention that 'walking' is a well used writing tool in novels...the narrative of a walk for descriptive sections or to reveal a situation have occured various times in the novels i have recently been reading...

'I cautiously dressed and left to engage in one of my favorite pasttimes: night walking...just walking until i dropped. out on the street, dutch youths guzzled beer from big mugs. They had torn holes in garbage bags to make raincoats. Stout bars blocked the way to the grotto, but at intervals i saw the glow of hundreds of guttering candles. much later, my wandering brought me back to the street with souvenier stores. In the fourth window, an identical Mary had taken the place of ours.'

The diving bell and the butterfly, jean-dominique bauby, page 67

'He contined to walk. He passed small, dry fields, patterned in rising terraces. With the drought, the planting season had yet to begin, and the soil was turned up in hard, dry clods. The houses were raised at varying heights, their walls like those of the camp buildings, interlaced strips of bamboo woven to create geometrical patterns. The road was empty except some scattered bands of dusty was hot, so hot that even the best soothsayers had failed to forecast that today would be the day that the rains would come again to the shan plateau. The men and women sat and talked in the shade and couldn't understand the Englishman who took walks under such a sun... They walked and followed a trail that rose over a small hill. They passed a house that Khin Myo said belonged to a old woman who had an evil eye, and she warned Edgar to be careful.'

The Piano Tuner, Daniel Mason, page 233

It is also possible that my current occupation of walking increases my awareness of these passages. like when you think of red balloons.




to name a few


inspired by situationist psychogeography maps

An experiment into how to map 'encounters' (specifically about travel and nationality) - made from maps, red tape and a photography book on architecture across the world;

In this map - Paris, Greece (Athens), Germany (Berlin), Russia (Saint Petersbourg), Spain and Brasil (Soa Paulo)

In this map - Egypt, mexico, Germany, France

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